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Advertising and Inserts
Fast Food Pro Feb-Mar-Cover.jpg


Advertising in Fast Food Professional is most effective when married to editorial content and we encourage this approach as we want to inspire our readers as well as generating new leads for our advertisers. For every page of advertising that you buy, we will always give away up to two pages of editorial if you have something amazing or aspirational about your products and services to share.

Advertisement Size  
Front Cover                  POA           
Back Cover                   POA         
Inside Front Cover       POA         
Inside Back Cover        POA         
Double Page Spread   POA         
Full Page                       POA         
Full Page Advertorial   POA           
Half Page                      POA           
Classified                      POA         -                     -
Magazine Directory     POA
Other advertisement sizes available by negotiation.
All prices subject to VAT at the standard rate.


All sizes in mm
AD SIZE           Type Area       Bleed Size*        Trim Size
Back Cover    290 x 190          303 x 216            297 x 210
DPS 2 Page Spread   259 x 395          303 x 426            297 x 420
Full Page        259 x 185         303 x 216             297 x 210
1/2 Page - H  147 x 185          151 x 216            145 x 210
Please supply bleed all around you half page artwork
1/2 Page - V  259 x 91             303 x 105            297 x 102
Please supply bleed all around you half page artwork
1/5 page – Horizontal banner 50 x 185
Classified – Single unit ** 62 x 35
*Bleed is 3mm all around for whole pages, and 3mm to the outside and upper/lower edges for vertical half pages. ** Call for sizes for multiples of the single unit.
Advertisement files can be accepted as

300 dpi, CMYK, press-ready PDF, TIF, EPS or JPG files.



We have a great opportunity to offer an insert service
to our customers in our publication. The cost depends
on the weight of the inserts and it could be a great
communication channel to add that extra special push to your marketing campaign.
For more information about the opportunities of including inserts into the publication please contact:
Athol Dipple on 07725 434173 or email

Website, forum and on-line opportunities will be available to new and
existing advertisers

With the launch of our NEW website, we are now able to offer twelve month sponsorship opportunities for advertisers.

eBlasts are a cost effective way of reaching your audience with powerful, targeted messages. We can single shot or avalanche our database or your database, or both and then feed back accurately to you all the click
throughs, opens, soft and hard bounces so you can measure our performance. Ask us for a quote for this.

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